Home Hazards

The Six Most Deadly Environmental Home Hazards

According to Dr. Riegel, founder of Healthy Homes, the six most deadly environmental home hazards are Carbon Monoxide, Radon, Mold, Asbestos, and other Miscellaneous Hazards. Americans, on average, spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors, as cited by the EPA. It’s no doubt that indoor air quality is creating health effects on the rise. …

Indoor Air Quality

Is Indoor Air Quality the most important part of a Healthy Home?

Making a Healthy Home is so much more than eliminating mold, asbestos, and radon. It also includes ongoing maintenance for indoor air quality. Much like taking vitamins, drinking plenty of water, and going to the doctor for a checkup to keep your body healthy, it’s important to take care of your home on a regular …

Sick Building Syndrome

You may have heard of people getting sick in their homes or workplace. But did you know that sick building syndrome is a real medical issue? Approximately one in three people will experience some sort of home-related health issue during their lifespan. This is the reason why having a Healthy Home is so important. Getting …


What is the difference between friable and non-friable asbestos?

Put simply, Friable and non friable are different categories of asbestos. Friable asbestos materials are easy to crush into dust like drywall, pipe insulations, and popcorn ceilings. On the other hand, non-friable asbestos materials like flooring, asbestos putty wrap, and asbestos-containing mastic, are not able to be made into dust by hand pressure. The difference …

Read This Before You Begin Home Renovations

Was your home built before 1970? Have you had any asbestos sampling in your home? Are you remodeling or disturbing any building materials such as walls, floors, pipes, or ducts? Are you aware of the health risks of improper asbestos removal? Over 3,000 building products contain asbestos. You cannot see, taste, or smell asbestos! The …


Removal of Vermiculite Attic Insulation

Often people ask us what is the cost to remove Vermiculite Attic Insulation (VAI)? Our response gathers 35 years of experience and the knowledge of Dr. George. Riegel, the leading expert on asbestos exposure and lung disease. In line with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recommendations, Dr. Riegel performs vermiculite cleanup that does not involve …