It is very common for 9×9 tiles to contain asbestos. They typically contain anywhere from 1-7% asbestos, most commonly Chrysotile. Remember the ‘Rule of 9s’ that 9×9″ are 99% of the time asbestos. Asbestos is also common in 4×4″, 6×6″, and 12×12″ tiles as well as other types of linoleum and vinyl floorings. It’s rare, but we do sometimes see 9×9 tiles test negative for asbestos, which is why it’s important to always test.
There is no true “cutoff year” for asbestos and many floorings can have multiple layers including mastic or adhesive which could also contain asbestos. Asbestos is extremely common in 9×9 floor tiles. How can you tell? Call or Text us today at 248-962-6095 to schedule an inspection and asbestos testing. Contact us today.
Over 3,000 products contain asbestos! It is very likely that your home contains asbestos, especially if it was built before 1970. Asbestos can also be in some 12×12 tiles. It is very common to find asbestos in and around your home in many areas of Michigan. The best way to find out if something contains asbestos is to hire a professional to take a sample and send it to an independent lab for microscopic analysis. We provide these services on a daily basis and can provide results the next business day.
It is against Michigan law to remove asbestos without an asbestos contractor’s license. However, some contractors are are allowed to remove it “only when it’s incidental to their primary trade and is no more than 160 square feet or no more than 260 linear feet of material.” Unfortunately, these unlicensed contractors generally do NOT take the precautions necessary to protect your health!

Safe and Proper Asbestos Removal
Dr. Riegel always reminds his clients of the fact that ONE asbestos fiber can cause health issues. Each asbestos fiber is 500 times smaller than a human hair! The EPA and OSHA state that “No amount of asbestos exposure is safe…” Not to mention that improper or partial removal can pose an even greater risk of your health if the fibers have become airborne.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why we always take every precaution for safe and proper asbestos removal. We do things the right way, the first time. Call or Text Healthy Homes, Inc. and Asbestos Removal Technologies, Inc. for a quick response to any question about 9×9 asbestos tiles.